
An employer is looking for you is a filmed commercial about how nPloy's offers candidates the opportunity to be recruited without engaging actively in job searching. Our approach was a comedic story about a guy that is very stressed at his current workplace. The advert was intended and screened on TV and was digitally distributed. We go through different parts of his day where he gets an offer every time he's tired of his job. Finally after a long day in his kitchen he get's his dream opportunity with actor Kitodar Todorov as the recruiter. The boy swipes right and approves the job request and the two of them cheer.


Script & Direction: Mariah Atanasova & Nia Batanova
Storyboard: Nia Batanova
Camera & Edit: Antoni Krastev
Visual effects: Nia Batanova
Sound design: Iavor Angelov
Colour grading: Denislav Marinov
Cast: Kitodar Todorov, Vladimir Mateev, Emma E. Maslarsky, Kamen Tsvetkov, Boris Kolev