Hollow is the story about overcoming emptiness and obstacles by fighting back on your own. The character goes through difficult scenes and finds a way to push through filling up his hollow-ness. Animated fully in 3D, the music video imitates oil paintings coming to life, inspired by the fully painted "Loving Vincent".
We start with the character, stranded in the middle of the ocean and empty on the inside... literally.
Clouds form above him, taking shape of his friends who look down on him.
A ship passes as a symbol of hope. He tries desperately to get noticed, but he ends up alone again
After being swallowed by a gigantic fish, he falls and finds a corridor. Passing through, he’s watched from all sides.
He ends up in a cave of pointing fingers representing how judged he constantly feels. They end up suffocating him. He wakes up in a prison cell in a labyrinth of his mind.
The solo part of the song is where he finds his strength. He pushes the domino walls and climbs up the fingers in the cave. The hole inside starts filling up and blinds the staring eyes.
Back at sea, he sees land.