All Inclusive is my concept of presenting nPloy‘s recruitment panel as a summer resort. You enter through the laptop and explore the features: the database represents the people at the pool, the lifeguards are the recruiters, there’s a monitoring room where they can pick out talents, and a bar that serves the other bonuses you get when you’re subscribed.
Concept & Direction: Nia Batanova
Script: Maria Petrova
Video: Nia Batanova
VO: Iveta Stoyanova
Sound design: Iavor Angelov
We start with a laptop that reveals that behind nPloy’s HR panel, there’s a summer resort. The composition of the landscape mirrors the UI of their homepage- a ferris wheel as the pie chart, buildings in the place of the sidebar with the logo as a sign on top and high roads inspired by the stats bars.
One of nPloy’s main features is their Talent pool - a database with all the registered users that you can search through as a recruiter. So I made talents at a pool... literally.
That being said, a lifeguard spots talents he’s interested in, just like a recruiter would in nPloy. Meanwhile next to him there’s another lifeguard that’s looking at a brick wall portraying what it would be like if you’re not using to the platform.
We go down to reveal a monitoring room to go further with the idea of finding new people. A company team is looking through the talent pool... again literally. They post a job, pick out a person, we see their skills and they swim over for a video call.
Transition to a bar where they serve Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram “alcohol” referring to the social media marketing you’ll get if you subscribe.
Ends with a birds eye view of the pool on a roof top shaping the logo.