
Noise in a box is a personal short film about the influence of TV on our mental health. With every evening emission the character loses her mind and starts seeing her food turning into gruesome objects related to the terrible news she's hearing. Finally she finds out that the world is not as depicted on TV and she gets rid of it to feel better.

Roles: Concept; Execution; Sound design

A peaceful night, a girl is cooking dinner as she's watching the news. Political chaos and protests are overcoming the country. She suddenly sees riots in her salad, so she throws it away.

The following evening she's making dinner again. She hears how there's been a new murder and sees her dinner as the victim. She throws it away again.

The third night she's exhausted from bad news. The pandemic is uncontrollable and doctors don't know what to do. Dangerous storms are not settling down.

She looks outside and sees how quiet the night is- no storm, no wind. Angry at the exaggeration of the news, she takes the TV and throws it out. Now she can be at peace.